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    Discover Colleges in Maine

    Maine has 29 colleges and universities, including 15 colleges and 14 private colleges. In 2020, 74,391 students were enrolled in ME colleges. Maine is home to some top liberal arts schools, including Colby, Bowdoin and Bates. See a list of all the top colleges in Maine.

    Thinking about going to college in Maine?

    Search Maine colleges below and visit the forums for advice on choosing a college or to discuss Maine schools.

    From the Forums: Thoughts on Maine Liberal Arts Schools

    Q: My family and I are planning a college tour trip and have time for a couple more schools. My dad suggested looking into Bowdoin, Bates, Colby, Middlebury, and Skidmore. What are the academics, social scene, and general “vibes” of these colleges?

    A: Middlebury College has the largest number of students. Great location. Reasonable drive to Burlington, Vermont (Univ. of Vermont & Lake Champlain). Train from NYC to Burlington, Vermont opening up soon.

    Skidmore is artsy & is located in a beautiful town = Saratoga Springs. Very LGBTQ friendly.

    Bowdoin College is near the coast of Maine. Excellent school. Feels like an advanced continuation of an elite prep boarding school experience.

    Colby is changing from the ultimate preppy school with lots of drinking to a school with more options for students.

    Bates is academic & better described by others with more recent experience.


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